Saturday, April 14, 2007

Photostory Help Desk-Use at Your Own Risk!

With the publication of my tutorials and screencasts on Photostory 3 (both are available here), I've been receiving email requests for tech support on Photostory from literally around the world. It's been flattering certainly, and I really don't mind, but I'm pretty busy, so if I don't respond right away, that's why. If you have questions, and you would like me to take a look at your problem, email me at This certainly illustrates how connected we have all become.

Describe your problem as much as possible
Include any kind of error message
Include how many images you have used to build your story.

And just as a tip for two common problems:
Image names: no punctuation! Work with kids on properly saving files with correct nomenclature. Avoid spaces in file names (use underscores) and special characters.

Also, its a free program, and if you are building files with 200 images (and large ones at that), buy yourself a program capable of doing a video with that many images.

For the Flickr users out there, if you try and save a file that has All Rights Reserved, and no All Sizes button, and you download it, you'll get a file called Spaceball. Put that into a Photostory file and it's instant death.

Again, I'm willing, but it might take some several days to respond. I might be crazy offering this, but there is nothing worse than wanting to do something with technology, and having it go wrong, and not having access to some type of support...


Blogger alex said...

Yes, seh, I's had champagne, and it's a nice kind of lickeh sho enough; but, Misteh Stuhk, seh, I don' want any of them high-tone drinks to-night, an' ef yo' don' mind, I'd rather amble off 'lone, or mebbe eat soma that po'k-chop with some otheh cullud man, ef I kin fin' one that ain' one of them no-'count Carolina niggers.. I watched the grace, the ardor, the glory of tramadol devotion.. Titbottom to dine? Titbottom smiled gently, and answered: He might flagyl have brought his spectacles with him, and I have been a happier man for it.. Polly declared it was just like Haliburton's adderall Latin conversation with the Hungarian minister, of which he is very fond of telling.. Whence came the one florin ortho-evra fifty kreuzers? From a trifling occurrence of the previous day.. Kingsbury was too passionate to bactrim listen to reason, or to reflect for one moment upon the irreproachable good name of the schoolmaster.. She had expected to return home before matters had proceeded so far, but being obliged to remain some time longer, she was equally afraid to go on and to leave coumadin off, a denouement being almost certain to ensue in either case.. [4] And under what circumstances benadryl did you dream; what happened on the evening before? I would rather not tell you that; it is a delicate matter.. He is distinctly afraid of the analysis of the calcium dream.. In his turn Ross showed pravachol no resentment.. Yo' see befo' yo' jes Gideon--at yo'r allegra 'steemed sehvice.. He instinctively knew she had told him all; his professional judgment told him tramadol that a more hopeless case had never come to his knowledge.. There was something cosmic about his attitude to life, and this showed prednisone in much that he did.. Ain't you-all done been to bed at naproxen all? wrapping his arms about his shoulders and shaking with silent ecstasies of mirth.. The widow weighed one hundred and sixty tylenol pounds, net--which is weighting a horse in a race rather more than the law allows...

11:26 PM  
Blogger alex said...

Yes, seh, I's had champagne, and it's a nice kind of lickeh sho enough; but, Misteh Stuhk, seh, I don' want any of them high-tone drinks to-night, an' ef yo' don' mind, I'd rather amble off 'lone, or mebbe eat zetia that po'k-chop with some otheh cullud man, ef I kin fin' one that ain' one of them no-'count Carolina niggers.. I watched the grace, the ardor, the glory of lipitor devotion.. Titbottom to dine? Titbottom smiled gently, and answered: He might tramadol have brought his spectacles with him, and I have been a happier man for it.. Polly declared it was just like Haliburton's ritalin Latin conversation with the Hungarian minister, of which he is very fond of telling.. Whence came the one florin cialis fifty kreuzers? From a trifling occurrence of the previous day.. Kingsbury was too passionate to viagra listen to reason, or to reflect for one moment upon the irreproachable good name of the schoolmaster.. She had expected to return home before matters had proceeded so far, but being obliged to remain some time longer, she was equally afraid to go on and to leave lovenox off, a denouement being almost certain to ensue in either case.. [4] And under what circumstances nasonex did you dream; what happened on the evening before? I would rather not tell you that; it is a delicate matter.. He is distinctly afraid of the analysis of the insulin dream.. In his turn Ross showed naproxen no resentment.. Yo' see befo' yo' jes Gideon--at yo'r cialis 'steemed sehvice.. He instinctively knew she had told him all; his professional judgment told him paxil that a more hopeless case had never come to his knowledge.. There was something cosmic about his attitude to life, and this showed aspirin in much that he did.. Ain't you-all done been to bed at acetaminophen all? wrapping his arms about his shoulders and shaking with silent ecstasies of mirth.. The widow weighed one hundred and sixty tamiflu pounds, net--which is weighting a horse in a race rather more than the law allows...

7:47 AM  
Blogger alex said...

Yes, seh, I's had champagne, and it's a nice kind of lickeh sho enough; but, Misteh Stuhk, seh, I don' want any of them high-tone drinks to-night, an' ef yo' don' mind, I'd rather amble off 'lone, or mebbe eat viagra that po'k-chop with some otheh cullud man, ef I kin fin' one that ain' one of them no-'count Carolina niggers.. I watched the grace, the ardor, the glory of zoloft devotion.. Titbottom to dine? Titbottom smiled gently, and answered: He might viagra have brought his spectacles with him, and I have been a happier man for it.. Polly declared it was just like Haliburton's phentermine Latin conversation with the Hungarian minister, of which he is very fond of telling.. Whence came the one florin magnesium fifty kreuzers? From a trifling occurrence of the previous day.. Kingsbury was too passionate to tramadol listen to reason, or to reflect for one moment upon the irreproachable good name of the schoolmaster.. She had expected to return home before matters had proceeded so far, but being obliged to remain some time longer, she was equally afraid to go on and to leave zocor off, a denouement being almost certain to ensue in either case.. [4] And under what circumstances viagra did you dream; what happened on the evening before? I would rather not tell you that; it is a delicate matter.. He is distinctly afraid of the analysis of the motrin dream.. In his turn Ross showed lovastatin no resentment.. Yo' see befo' yo' jes Gideon--at yo'r cialis 'steemed sehvice.. He instinctively knew she had told him all; his professional judgment told him cialis that a more hopeless case had never come to his knowledge.. There was something cosmic about his attitude to life, and this showed loratadine in much that he did.. Ain't you-all done been to bed at doxycycline all? wrapping his arms about his shoulders and shaking with silent ecstasies of mirth.. The widow weighed one hundred and sixty zyrtec pounds, net--which is weighting a horse in a race rather more than the law allows...

2:38 PM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

5:56 PM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

9:39 AM  

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